Chamber of Progress Says Biden Can ‘Still Win’ on Crypto Basis Against Trump


The Chamber of Progress, a prominent advocacy group, has expressed its belief that US President Joe Biden still has a chance to outdo his predecessor, Donald Trump, in the cryptocurrency space.

The group’s stance comes at a time when cryptocurrency regulation is becoming an increasingly important topic in the US.

The Chamber’s Stance

According to the Chamber of Progress, Biden can achieve this feat by supporting regulation in the industry.

In a recent statement, the group noted that Trump’s change of heart on cryptocurrency presents an opportunity for Biden to take the lead.

“President Biden can still win on crypto by supporting regulation that promotes innovation and protects consumers,” the group said.

The Need for Regulation

The need for regulation in the cryptocurrency industry is becoming increasingly apparent. With the rise of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other digital assets, regulators are grappling with how to oversee the industry without stifling innovation.

The lack of clear regulation has led to a proliferation of fraudulent activities and risky investments, which have left many consumers vulnerable.

Biden’s administration has already taken some steps towards regulating cryptocurrency. In March, the White House released an executive order outlining a comprehensive approach to cryptocurrency regulation.

The order tasked various government agencies with developing frameworks for regulating the industry.

However, some experts believe that more needs to be done to ensure the US remains competitive in the global cryptocurrency market.

“The US is falling behind in the crypto race,” said Michael Novogratz, CEO of Galaxy Digital. “We need clear regulation to ensure that innovation can thrive.”

Novogratz’s sentiments are echoed by many in the industry, who believe that clear regulation would help to promote innovation and protect consumers.

Clear Implementation

The Chamber of Progress agrees with Novogratz’s assessment. In its statement, the group noted that clear regulation would help to promote innovation and protect consumers.


“Regulation is essential for building trust in the crypto market,” the group said. “It would help to prevent fraud and protect consumers from risky investments.”

Clear regulation would also help to provide clarity and certainty for businesses operating in the industry.

This would enable them to innovate and grow, creating jobs and driving economic growth. Furthermore, clear regulation would help to prevent the misuse of cryptocurrency for illicit activities, such as money laundering and terrorist financing.

Trump’s Change of Heart

Trump’s change of heart on cryptocurrency is indeed surprising given his previous stance on the issue. In 2020, Trump tweeted that he was “not a fan” of cryptocurrency, citing concerns about its potential use in illicit activities.

However, in a recent interview, Trump seemed to have softened his stance, stating that cryptocurrency was “a very interesting market”.

The Chamber of Progress believes that Biden can capitalize on Trump’s change of heart by supporting regulation that promotes innovation and protects consumers.

“President Biden has an opportunity to show leadership on crypto by supporting regulation that works for everyone,” the group said.

The Chamber of Progress’ stance on cryptocurrency regulation is a timely reminder of the need for clear and effective regulation in the industry.

The Bit Gazzete reports that Biden can help to ensure that the US remains competitive in the global cryptocurrency market.

Clear regulation would help to build trust in the crypto market, prevent fraud, and protect consumers from risky investments.

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